Bella Gothic ™ Variable

The geometric sans, designed by the dm studio.

The Bella Gothic™ font family is dm studio’s exploration of contemporary pragmatism with a distinctive geometric structure system and a more contoured, contemporary aesthetic. The name comes from the studio’s co-founder “Bella Huang” and represents its elegant and beautiful meaning. And it can also be used as a variable font – offering unlimited styles in a neat digital footprint.

几何字形风格的Bella Gothic™ 字体家族,是 dm studio对于当代实用主义的一次设计探索实验,它具有鲜明的几何结构体系,以及更具有轮廓分明的当代主义的审美性。其名称来自工作室联合创始人"Bella Huang",同时代表着其优雅漂亮的含义。而且,它还可以作为可变字体使用--在一个整洁的数字足迹中提供无限的样式。


Client: Bella Gothic Tech
Creative Agency: DM Union
Creative / Art Director: Leon Liao, Bella Huang
Designer: Leon Liao, Tudou lu, Mudoo Deng, Yiyi
Motion Designer:Leon Liao, Tudou lu